Stick Analyzer result page

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Resolution Test Results

The joint motion resolution test shows how many unique positions the controller can register during smooth motion. This test was performed using a linear motion from the center to the edge of the stick range using the Stick Analyzer program.

Total Points

Total Points represents the number of unique positions that were registered during the smooth movement of the stick from center to edge. This includes both clean analog values and positions affected by noise or jitter. In our test, we got 723 points, which is an excellent result that indicates very precise stick movement registration. However, it's important to look at the Analog Points as well, as they show the true stick resolution without noise.

Analog Points

Analog Points shows the number of unique positions after filtering out noise and jitter. The test registered 516 analog points. This is an excellent result, indicating very smooth and precise stick movement. This value is especially important as it represents the actual number of unique positions the stick can report reliably.


Tremor percentage shows the difference between raw stick movement data and its processed signal. This is a technical characteristic of how the controller processes physical stick movement - higher values indicate more active signal processing, while lower values show more direct translation. The test showed 28.6% tremor. This represents typical noise levels in stick signal processing. It's important to note that tremor is just one of many factors in controller performance and doesn't directly correlate with aiming accuracy in games.

Step Resolution

Step Resolution shows the average size of movement steps between registered positions. Lower values mean finer control and smoother movement. The test measured 0.00194 average resolution. This indicates excellent stick precision, allowing for very fine control. This parameter directly affects how smoothly you can aim or control camera movement in games.

Test Duration

The time taken to complete the test was 5.51 seconds. This is an optimal test duration, providing reliable results. For the most accurate results, the stick movement should be smooth and controlled, typically taking between 3 and 10 seconds.

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